A review by readingmissfroggy
The Dark Divine by Bree Despain


Actually a 2.75 star rating.
I liked the basic of the book. A girl who is friends with her brother and his best friend. Then something happens during the night, the friend disappears and the brother is hurt. I liked what happened and how it all played out in the end.
What I didn't like was our main character, Grace Divine (the name was the least of my dislikes about her). I don't like her attitude and her way of thinking at all! The book is filled with her snobbish thinking and religious believes (I'm cool with religion but not when you are whacking it in my face and pushing it down my throat like this). Do I recommend this book? Only if you can stand a snobbish character pushing religious thoughts down your throat while saying how smart she is but not really noticing what is going on for real while falling for a guy who is not treating her in a good way...
Watch my full review here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IifOOJsUM0Q (sadly the sound is a bit weird)