A review by ratetheromance
Across the Aisle by Stephanie Vance


ACROSS THE AISLE was just okay for me. The amount of American politics in this book was completely overwhelming. I cannot even imagine a reader outside of America being able to follow the political story since I struggled with it.

Beneath it all there is an epically sweet love story between Dallas and Grant, but you have to wade through vocabulary and inside political structures that the average reader will have a hard time connecting with. The main characters are political lobbyists. This author worked professionally in the world in which this book was set and it's clear that she overshot what her perception of what others outside of that world know about it.

I really loved the banter, the sweet moments, and the way in which these two come to know each other on a personal level, outside of politics. But, in the end, this book was much too niche and much too long.

If you are highly aware of the ins-and-outs of American politics you will probably LOVE this book. If you aren't then you will very likely struggle to follow this story.

TRIGGERS: cheating ex, workplace inequality

I received a gifted copy of this title in exchange for an honest review.