A review by novelesque_life
Legal Tender by Lisa Scottoline



"Her central character this time out is a definite keeper: Benedetta Rosato, "Bennie" to everyone but her mother, a towering blonde who rows to keep her body in shape and duels with the police on a daily basis to keep her legal talents sharp. Most of Bennie's clients have a gripe against the cops, so Philadelphia's finest are less than sympathetic to her cause when she becomes the chief suspect in the murder of her ex-lover and soon to be ex-law partner. Hiding out in a truly original way, Bennie uses (and abuses) a big law firm to help find the real killers; you'll find yourself laughing and gasping all the way." (From Amazon)

In the second book of the series we meet Bennie Rosato of Rosato & Associates and it is a great legal thriller. I really like Bennie and her sharp wit.