A review by zainub_reads
Kartography, by Kamila Shamsie


🌟🌟🌟✨ 3.5-4
This is a bit of a difficult book to write a simple review about so I’ll just mention the likes and not so liked bits ->
What I liked:
The prose is beautiful.
The writing is not very simple as is usually and a few times I had to reach for the dictionary to reconfirm the meaning of a few words.
The storyline itself is simple but woven around over decades and has quite a few flashbacks to get a better understanding of the present.
The City of Karachi is a character throughout the book. The omnipresent City plays a pivotal role in the development of events in the lives of people long after they have left it’s shores.
The Not so Liked ->
The language of the book is the voice of the author; beautiful and intricate but I don’t believe a bunch of 13-14 years old can be that articulate (at the beginning of the book i.e.,).
The characters are sometimes too complicated for their own good. How and why must so many people know the truth and keep it hidden away especially when they believe in the goodness of the person behind it all?
The ending is a cliffhanger & left me a bit disappointed & confused so yeah off course I did not appreciate that ☺️