A review by angrywombat
Blood River by Patrick Tilley


Actually not that bad.

The constant re-evaluation of the relationship of Cadillac and Steve is interesting to read... Both are pretty well done character - internally conflicted, and often acting in ways that wreck their own progress...

This is the journey of Steve, Cadillac & Clearwater - along with the two federation pilots (Jodi and Kelso) out of the lands of the Iron Masters and trying to get back to the lands of the M'Call tribe.

Of course, there are lots of complications along the way, and the author actually provides some great entertainment making the character have to really struggle and squirm out of these predicaments.

Many of the other characters are a little one-note for my tastes, and honestly the two main ladies (Clearwater and Roz) are a little to "plot-directed" for my likes - they change and act just to move along the plot and dont have the same sort of depth as the two main guys (Steve and Cadillac)

But a much better read that the Iron Masters.