A review by cekisha
The Autumn Republic by Brian McClellan


Why do I get the impression that the author was like...

At least I hope so, because [b:The Autumn Republic|20883847|The Autumn Republic (Powder Mage, #3)|Brian McClellan|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1393261950s/20883847.jpg|40224712] feels too rushed and as if the author was held at gunpoint during his writing process. It seems that he just wasn't able to wrap up what he had started with [b:Promise of Blood|15790883|Promise of Blood (Powder Mage, #1)|Brian McClellan|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1350337505s/15790883.jpg|21512438] which I thoroughly enjoyed.

Okay, Tamas had a death mark from the beginning, so I wasn't really surprised when he (finally) got killed off, but did he really have to die while saying the cheesiest stuff to his son?

Did I have to endure being a witness to Taniel running off like a pussy, with Ka'Poel being absent during the whole course of the book (of course, her character never developed)?

The case of Adamat's kidnapped son was pushed into background, the drama between Taniel and Vlora was disappointing with Taniel acting like a blushing teen boy (ewww!), Vlora (who had the potential of being an interesting character) was reduced to a silly dimwit etc.

Nothing was resolved between Nila and Bo, I never got to understand why she was transformed into a powerful Mary Sue character, nor why the book had to end with her bitching for having to carry the whole burden alone. There were so many unexplained and unresolved things that just kept piling up as the plot went on.

I guess this is just one of those "That's it?" endings.