A review by carleneinspired
Don't Say a Word by Amber Lynn Natusch


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Veronica Mars, I mean Kylene Danners, is back! It took me a lot longer to get into Don't Say a Word than the previous novel, Dare You To Lie, but somewhere at 45% I was suddenly all in. Once the story started clicking in place for me, mixing the overarching story line, the previous novel's plot, and the present's together, I got where things were going. Kylene is no typical high school student and her high school is no typical high school. Sure, there's the jocks and the outcasts and the teachers too into their status, but then there's the girls working in prostitution and an undercover student too. The novel takes place right after the previous, so there's no time jump to adjust to and Amber Lynn Natusch did the suspense lovers right by making her characters continue to recover from the events through out this novel. Thank you. Kylene is banged up, mentally scarred, and just as determined as ever. She continues to be stubborn, witty, and quite the smart A, but she sure is an entertaining character.

In Don't Say a Word Kylene has to finally switch back into her role as student, daughter, granddaughter, and friend. Of course, no one can stop her from helping Agent Dawson out on his case so the secrets, sneaking around, and crime solving continues on. Drug issues are a thing of a past, now they're taking on prostitution and Kylene's name just might be at the top of the list. It's twisted, fast-paced, and yet still has just the right amount of high school drama. We get some more details on her father's case as well, just enough to keep us hanging until the next release though.

Amber Lynn Natusch's Hometown Antihero series is the perfect mystery suspense series for NA readers. It's what I would have liked in high school and college, and it definitely continues to fit the bill for me in my late twenties. It's got the right amount of humor, age appropriate drama, and all the suspense a young Nancy Drew could want.

ARC provided.