A review by jamieco
Jude by Lane Hart


A BIG D N F FOR THIS BOOK! And, if you can believe this, at 91%.

This book, or should I say the stupid ass heroine, pissed me off big time! She was a down right bitch and did not deserve the H.

I definitely could've loved this book if the h had acted in a different manner, but I have to say she takes the cake for my most hated h's.

The first time she did what she did during their break up, I was willing to forgive her although it also pissed me off.but when she finds out about what her dad and the H did, the way she acted was ridiculous. I can understand she was mad but to go and do what she did with Jude's opponent?!?!? That's just being a straight up bitch. Why would she go to Linc's hotel room, a man she doesn't know from adam, and tell Jude she slept with him? And then she doesn't even let Jude explain and LEAVES THE STATE to go live with Linc, a man SHES LITERALLY KNOWN FOR A DAY! And the best part is, even though Linc has a huge house with multiple bedroom, she sleeps in the same bed with him!! But it totally ok because there isn't anything sexual about it....not! Did Sadie think it meant nothing that Jude gave his virginity to her after waiting for 22 years? Did she really think he would've done that just because her dad asked him to take her to prom? The icing on the cake that made me really dnf was the fact that even after Jude shows up and is staying at Linc's house, she was still going to sleep in Linc's bed! Like, why?? We also come to find out that Sadie and Linc kissed, BUT IT OK BECAUSE IT WAS LIKE KISSING A SIBLING!!!! I'm sorry, I don't like to slut shame, but Sadie was a slut. I hate hate hated her.

I just do not understand. I have never dnf'd a book this far in but I guess that will tell you how much I hated that heroine.

I know this is really long so, rant over. I'm getting mad just thinking about it all over again lol