A review by eldritchreader
Everafter, Vol. 1: The Pandora Protocol by Travis Moore, Todd Klein, Steve Rolston, Ande Parks, Dave Justus, Tula Lotay, Lilah Sturges, Michael Wiggam


I LOVE LOVE LOVED this book. The story, the characters, the illustrations. Amazing.

I would say I am pretty fussy when it comes to fairy tale adaptions. If you are remaking a classic that everyone knows, loves, and recognizes, I kinda expect it to be amazing and mindblowing and give my characters a spotlight I love and didn't think was possible. Everafter did just that. They took some classic and already loved characters; Bo Peep, Peter Piper, and Hansel; and put them in a apocalyptic world where they are badass fighting heroes. 

The illustrations are perfect, the colours and the style are just so fitting to the story and the characters. And the plot will blow you away - this is a series where I will fall in love with the classic characters all over again and want to know how their lives and the new world they live in carries out.