A review by multicoloredbookreviews
Rebel Wing by Tracy Banghart


After the first couple chapters, I didn't have very high hopes for this book.
It seemed to be yet another dystopian with a lovestruck, googly eyed, spineless heroine (the worst kind imo). Also it jumped POVs between characters that had nothing to do with our MC. I don't really like POV jumps unless it's between the main couple, I just feel like it makes the story line unnecessarily choopy.
BUT! I was monumentally wrong to judge it so quickly! Just from the first few paragraphs it was obvious Tracy Banghart knew what she was doing. I complained in my last reviews that the series I was reading, read like mediocre fanfiction (the premise was really good; the execution, not no much). That was so not the case with this book! Instantly I knew I was reading a carefully written, carefully thought out story. The feelings and sensations she was trying to evoke came out loud and clear, the descriptions where poetically spot on and all the problems the MC faced, felt authentic and trying. I wish all books were this well written.
The growth Aris, the MC, went through felt so real. I strained and persevered right alongside her. Again, I wish more characters were this carefully developed.
I don't really have a clear picture in my head as to what Aris looks like, the only thing I know for sure is that her hair is wavy and auburn and that she's short. And strangely enough, it doesn't bother me all that much that I can't picture her. What did bother me, was that I kept imagining Major Vidar as a dude in his late 30's (kinda like Wolf from the TV show The Last Ship), when I knew for a fact he was described as being twenty-one years old, with light skin and light blue eyes (later on it also says he's blonde). And since I couldn't get the first image out of my head, I had to do a quick google image search, so I could put a more appropriate face to the young Major.
This is what I settled on him looking like:
Major Vidar
I mean, I know the book said he wasn't handsome, but I can't help picturing all romantic interest as guys I'd be attracted to.
I can't wait to see how this story continues now that
Spoilerwomen are openly allowed to volunteer for Military. Plus I need some kind of reunion between Aris and Milek (yeah, Major Vidar was actually Milek Vadim, son of the Ward of Ruslana), there was some seriously hot unresolved sexual tension there, and everything was left up in the air in this book.