A review by auntbreesqreads
Between the Lines by Nikki Grimes


Thank you to KidLitExchange and the publisher for a chance to read the ARC for free so that I could provide an honest review. As I said when I reviewed Bronx Masquerade, I'm not much of a poetry reader since I have zero internal rhythm but having the context for each made it easier I think. I actually tried reading some of the poems aloud which helped on some poems and not on others. Again, maybe this is a reason to have poetry readings/slams in schools. I think I had one teacher in all of high school even do a topic on poems honestly.

Here are some quotes that are based on the UNCORRECTED text I read:

"Words are powerful but sometimes words have a limit." I feel this so deeply. every time someone I love loses someone they love or a client is getting screwed by some arbitrary law.

"Maybe that's what being an American is about - being different, standing out, but standing together."