A review by carriedoodledoo
The Princess and Curdie by George MacDonald


January '22
A fantastic children's book of a quest and peril, with beasts and magic and good vs. evil. I hadn't read much of MacDonald, except I remember really liking "At the Back of the North Wind" when I found it in the public library as a child. Now I must reread! MacDonald reminded me greatly of Tolkien and Lewis. On further research, I was shocked I had not read more of him and heard more about him! What a fun thing, to come across a 1950s library hardcover in the local thrift store!

December '22 Update: started reading "The Princess and the Goblin", and DNF'd. I couldn't get a handle on the theology, which made me nervous. And YES there is theology, it is children's fantasy written by a Unitarian. While I'm not trashing everything written by this author, I think carefully picking and choosing might be the way to go.