A review by eggcatsreads
The Bone Shard War by Andrea Stewart


I can readily admit this series wasn't for me. The first book didn't captive me, the talking animal companions made me want to rip my teeth out, and the over use of povs made any flow impossible. But the second book gave me SOME hope. Some. For it being less of a pain to read.

However, I think this book was more painful than the first.

This book could have been about 200 pages shorter if we didn't rinse and repeat the same actions at every junction OR if we didn't introduce a side plot that went nowhere and made the book end feeling unfinished. The ending legitimately made it feel like it was setting up for a fourth book, which isn't ideal when dealing with a TRILOGY. The whole side plot of hunting for the swords could have been cut without losing anything in this book. Even the other characters are like "the empire is falling apart, and you're doing THIS instead????" And there's not even any justification for it!! Pointless.

Also the romance between Lin and Jovis, as I've stated before, isn't there. It's uncomfortable. They have no chemistry or anything. Jovis had more chemistry with the lady from the Ioph Karn (spelling? I barely got through this book even as an audiobook) than Lin. Their entire "romance" is told, not shown or felt, and damaged the overall book. Also Lin had more chemistry with the construct of the emperor in the first book. Them I could believe. Honestly what should have happened is Lin either tried or succeeded in bringing him back and that's the cause of the internal struggle of "am I my own person and/or a true emperor and should I even BE an emperor?" or whatever.

Also, the internal monologue of the characters could have been edited a bit better? Why is Jovis focusing on the embarrassment of the apparent romance between him and Lin, or thinking shit that doesn't even matter, while trying to Avoid Directions Making Him Murder People. What? And the same with Lin like you're the emperor you have bigger issues here than your failed barely-there no chemistry romance. Like lives are at stake here what are you even doing.

The entire beginning of this book is the same thing happening over and over. Lin gets into fight with whatever enemy is there. Lin tries to convince them to her side. Lin, an idiot, thinks she's successful. The enemy, obviously, using this as a distraction to get what they want. Lin loses something important and feels foolish for trusting so easily. And then repeat like 5x or so to extend runtime.

The plot twists of the islands and the witstone and the ossalen were interesting, but not enough to save the rest of the book. The ending just...happens? Sand/Nisong decides to turn good out of nowhere and that's what saves the day? The ending is setting up for Lin doing stuff at the end along with her own internal moral ambiguity of how she feels about the counsel vs her own power as emperor.

ALSO WHAT WAS WITH THE MAGIC WATER. THAT'S NEVER EXPLAINED. WHY DOES SHARK FREAK OUT ABOUT IT AND WHY DOES IT TAKE MEMORIES??? A little less "oh yay the romance that doesn't exist isn't dead" and a little more plot please. Something for me to hold on to.

I had this book as an audiobook and it STILL took me about 2 weeks to read. Which, considering my normal rate of reading/audiobook combination, is an ETERNITY.