A review by xkaylynelizabeth
First Debt by Pepper Winters


Series rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
4.5 stars!
I have been kind of MIA the last few days because I've been kind of busy (aka reading). But most of the reason is also that I have been emotionally repairing after reading this series.
I read all six books in 2 days. No joke. Well, maybe 2.5. Granted, I only got about 3 hours of sleep between the 2.5 days.
Gosh. I loved this series. It is NOT for the faint of heart. If you can't handle really really dark, taboo stories, this is not for you.
But it was for me. Hell yeah, it was.
Q Mercer will always be my #1 Pepper Winters hero. But Jethro... I looovveeeddd me some Jethro.
He was screwed up, but so protective and sweet (in his way), and loved Nila with all he was, even if he didn't realize it at first. I truly felt like they had a real, soul mate love.
And I love that the undercurrent of Pepper's dark books is forgiveness in love. A lot of screwed up things happen in this series, a lot of things Jethro takes part in that are dark dark dark. But the undercurrent is forgiveness. And Jethro earned that forgiveness. So this series really had a deeper meaning than I think people realize.
There really wasn't anything I didn't like about this series. The first book was a little slowish and the romantic relationship between the two MCs doesn't really start to develop until the second, but I think that fit the story because of who Jethro was to Nila and the things he did. So I honestly loved this whole series.
Pepper Winters is the queen of Dark Romance. She is my go-to!