A review by shereadsbetweensips
On Rotation by Shirlene Obuobi



My favorite thing about this story was the love interest. For a description that says that it is for Grey’s Anatomy lovers, I was left hanging… Everything surrounding the female lead is absolutely toxic. Even her and her attitude. This female lead had her moments of clarity that made her likable, but everything that came out of her mouth left me with eyes and mouth wide open. Her relationship with her family is beyond toxic. I know that family dynamics are very personal and everyone has to deal with their respective relatives in their own way. Still, this particular story seems to go above and beyond ridiculousness. For being grown adults, her best friends behaved like little kids. And most of the book I was reading with a WTF? Look on my face. Even so, I couldn’t bring myself to DNF. I had to know how the mess would end and how her life would magically be fixed. I kinda want my time back.