A review by octaviajacobs
Bloodleaf by Crystal Smith


I want to start out with that when this book first came out in hardcover with the first design I didn’t even pick it up... But this one I LOVE!

Anyway, I loved each character except one. Her guard was my least favorite I feel like his character could have been more developed. His feelings for her felt like they came out of no where and when she was showing signs of feelings for him and then completely rejected him, it was just odd. And I think if she was going to reject him like that then maybe it shouldn’t have felt like there was going to be a romance between them.

Aurelia herself was a great character. I loved everything about her. From her being a witch in a kingdom that burns them. And despite her kingdom wanted to test her to see if she was as one she still went to the trials anyway. She is everything a main character needs to be. Brave and strong but has a weak point and parts where the reader sees that she is still a human who can’t handle everything.

Now Zan! Omg! I loved him. I love when royalty are prickly and sarcastic with a dash of coldness. And when it was revealed that he was the prince I was actually kind of shocked. I had some speculation but like wow. The way he revealed was brilliant and it made me smirk.

I loved Zan and Aurelia! Together they were fire. I was begging for them since they met.

The antagonists were also great. I didn’t expect what Zan’s father did half the time. This book was full of turns that were all too predictable which was a nice refresher.

The plot itself was magical. I couldn’t put this book down. I was a really fast paced novel but it worked really well. I didn’t see any wholes in the story myself.

I actually stayed up for like 6 hours after I wanted to go to bed to finish it because I couldn’t put it down. Except for when something big or just plan great happened and I needed to take a breath. I was so enthralled I forgot to breath sometimes.

Now the world building. This was also amazing. I loved how both kingdoms were so entirely different. But in some ways (corrupt ways) they were the same. It was a nice relation.

5/5 Stars