A review by elysianfield
A Black Matter for the King by Matthew Willis, J.A. Ironside


3,5 stars

A Black Matter for the King is a second book in “Oath and Crown” series and is told by William’s and Ælfgifa’s point of view. Like in the first book, I enjoyed Gifa’s chapters more but I do like that we get both sides of the story. I’ve never been a fan of William and these books haven’t made me like him any more than before…

The book was fast paced and quite a quick read. One thing that bothered me was that it’s not clearly told in what time were in. Sometimes it’s been months and sometimes years between chapters and it took me some time to understand how much time has passed. I don’t remember if this was an issue in the previous book…

But otherwise, I liked the book, it was well written with interesting characters.