A review by buffyb
Remembering Jim Crow: African Americans Tell About Life in the Segregated South by William Henry Chafe


I really enjoyed reading the stories in this book. I feel like a huge part of my history was missed out when I was in school. We learned about slavery and that it was bad and we learned a bit about desegregation but we weren't really taught about the stuff in between. Of course, I suppose it makes sense that institutionalised racism isn't going to be taught by an institution that institutionalised racism. I hope that more of my white American brothers and sisters will read this to understand what it was like for our African American brothers and sisters after slavery was abolished and to perhaps understand our current racial climate. Things need to change and for that to happen people need to listen to reach other.

These stories are told in a matter of fact kind of way which, for me, made it worse. This is just the way things were and the people who lived through these times just had to deal with it. I found these stories to be very powerful and moving.