A review by siobhan27
Finale by Becca Fitzpatrick


I have religiously read every single Hush Hush book since the first one published over 3 years ago,and I have to say that I am quite sad that this series is ending. Over the years I have grown to love Nora and Patch and everyone in between. I went into this book without any expectations because I never know how a series will end, especially one as beloved as this one.

In this final installment we follow Nora and Patch as they try and fight the oncoming war between the Nephilim and Fallen Angels. It is up to her to lead this army or, according to the oath she swore, she and her mother will die.

There were many things I loved about this book, first is always Patch. He is an amazing character and defies perfection in some instances (which can lead to some to think that he is too perfect) but that doesn't bother me. Over the course of the four books we have seen some sides of Patch that are very selfish and all-consuming and I think he is far from perfect. But that is why he is so good for Nora, he adds a sense of adventure yet protects her at the same time. Its the perfect match.

The one area of the story that I did not like was Vee's story arc. I felt like it was forced and at times it felt like she was written in only because she was the best friend and nothing more. The secret that Vee reveals at the end of the book comes out of nowhere and I honestly didn't believe it to be plausible, it felt like a way to connect Vee to Nora once again because they didn't really have a best friend relationship in this books.

The story line was well crafted and I loved the twist at the end, I did not see it coming and I thought it added a good dimension to the story. There are many lovely scenes for all of those fans that love Patch and Nora, yet I was disappointed with the end. I will not say why because it will spoil the end, but lets just say I wanted more... in a good way :)

Overall I really enjoyed this book, it had romance, suspense and a little tragedy and was a great finish to the series. I am very sad that I will no longer be able to read another book about Nora and Patch, but I can just reread this series until I get enough :P