A review by marissacelina
Fallen Crest Public by Sophie Madsen, Tijan


WOW, this book was drama-filled. I loved every damn moment of it! Sam really kicked ass, literally and figuratively, she was awesome. Tijan never ceases to amaze me with her writing skills and how developed this plot can be. The schools Fallen Crest Public is definitely different then Fallen Crest Academy, that's for sure. At the Academy, all the girl's would stab you behind your back while at Public, they just go up in front of you and make sure you know you're hated. Yikes. I really did feel for Sam in this one because she basically was a repeat of what happened to Marissa years back. Which can I just say how nice it is to finally hear the whole story of what happened and who was involved! We also get to meet Tate's old best friend, Heather, who is just awesome!!! I loved Heather so much she really made the book. Also, one word- Tate. Herself.

We actually get to see and get to know more about other characters like, Budd and Brett Broudou. Clearly one of them has a soft spot for the new waitress at Heather's family bar, yet little do they know it's Mason Kade's very own girlfriend ;) -DRAMA-

Some intense things happen in this book where Sam's own life in endangered towards the end, which is just scary. I mean, the high school drama literally got turned into physically life threatening and it's just an abundance of craziness. Mason and Sam stay strong together for the most part and they do have equally romantic and sexy scenes, which is much appreciated Tijan, so thank you for that!

This book, all in all, was very unpredictable because Tijan will go to any extreme no matter the case! This was a very good book and so drama filled, every page had something important happening. AMAZING!!!

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