A review by jenagregoire
Destined for an Early Grave by Jeaniene Frost


Where the hell do I start with this review???

How about ‘unfrikkinbelievable’????

Or ‘fanfrikkintastic’?????

Smothered in awesome sauce??????

The more I read into this series, the more I absolutely ADORE the characters. This is the fourth installment in the Night Huntress Series and it is amazing and incredible and….well…..SMOTHERED IN AWESOME SAUCE!!

I am so glad I stumbled across this series. The characters, characters that we are now 4 books deep into getting to know and learning to love, never cease to amaze me.

Destined For an Early Grave took us readers to a place that I never in a million years expected. The relationship between Cat and Bones and put to the ultimate (and most heart-wrenching yet) test. Gregor’s claims to Cat and his persistence in trying to retrieve what he believes is his keep getting more and more violent and more and more dangerous for all involved.

Just when I thought that this couple couldn’t go through anything worse than the last novel, Jeaniene Frost opens up the mysterious door #3 and unleashes hell on all of her faithful readers. I kid you not, once I hit the halfway point in this book, it was like a non-stop anxiety attack. Full of suspense and heart ache and lots and lots of anger. At more than a few moments throughout this book, I badly wanted to track someone down who just LOOKED LIKE Gregor and stab them right in the face hole.

Dont let all that anger inducing plot line deter you. This is an great book!! And you should read it. Now. Go ahead. We will be here when you get back.

See??? I told you!! Great book, right?

On a side note, I just want to give a quick mention once again to Tavia Gilbert, the narrator of the audio book version of this title. She’s just fantastic!

Overall, I give Destined For an Early Grave 5 sets of brightly glowing green eyes!!