A review by brandolph
Songs For Cricket by Terri E. Laine


A few words came to mind when reading this. Angsty. Frustrating. While I did fly through this book, and for the most part I enjoyed it, there were some things that bugged me. I get the whole feelings of unrequited love thing, but nobody is that dense. Literally everyone else saw it but three characters. I mean, really?
I also felt that the book skipped parts. I don't know if it was the writing style or what, but I felt like things jumped ahead without warning, and it left me confused. There were pages where I was flipping back and forth and re-reading whole pages to make sure i didn't accidentally skip over something.
Overall, it was a pretty good read, and I flew through it in a day. It was cutesy and worth reading, but yeah some things just really bugged me.

I was granted an advanced copy of this book through Netgalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.