A review by tsunanisaurus
Dino Breaks The Rules, by Sarah Read


Dino Breaks the Rules is part of a series of books that provide a conversation starter on tougher feelings our little kids begin to become aware of. In this story, the young Dino doesn't think he should have to follow any rules. We see several cause-and-effect scenarios where Dino makes a conscious decision to rebuke a rule and then quickly see an example of the effect that decision can have on others or himself.

The book says it's marketed to 3-5 year old kids but I would push up a year to 4-6 year old instead. While the average 3 year old may love the bright fun illustrations, I'm not sure they should be the target audience for the message. At 3 years old, the child's brain is still developing the ability to even understand cause-and-effect. That's just my opinion though and I would still recommend it to anyone with kids under 6.

The ending is what sets this book apart. I enjoyed that it wrapped up with showing Dino and his Mom reflecting because that is such an important part of kids learning.

Overall, I enjoyed this book. The story was easy to follow, descriptive without being overly wordy for the age group, appealing illustrations, and a gentle approach to why we follow certain rules and boundaries. The last page illustration (The End) is so cute that I would buy a print copy of it to hang in the room, it's quite adorable.

My Observant Rule-Following 4.5 year old's opinion: Thank you, thank you, thank you for this book, I really liked it a lot. When asked if there was anything she didn't enjoy about it she said, "I don't like that the words and pictures don't match in the grocery store. It says Dino got a blue cart but the picture is dark purple. The sister got pink cart but it's also purple. Why is that?. She said she would not want to read it again but that she was glad the Dino started following rules. Her final qualm was that when Dino slipped on a banana peel he said, "I should teach my friends that littering is bad." her immediate retort was, "well he should probably teach himself that first, he littered too!. "

My rating: ★★★★☆
My child's rating: (✿◠‿◠)
Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and BooksGoSocial for providing us with a free digital copy in exchange for our honest review and opinion