A review by hinchemail
Developing the Leader Within You by John C. Maxwell


This book is a bestseller for a reason. I suggest reading this book multiple times for someone who wants to be in, understand or is in management and needs a refresher. Also, it may just be a good book to understand how people think and work. Too many people think they know everything but do you really?

The chapters go over influencing others, prioritizing work, having integrity, creating a positive change at work, solving problems, attitude, developing your people, having a vision, maintaining self discipline and developing your staff.

A lot of leadership books repeat themselves with long flowery language but I found all the information to be compact, emphasized in a page or less and then briskly segued to a new topic. I enjoyed the quotes from famous leaders, metaphors, and stories that solidified the main points

What helped me:
-leadership is about influencing others, there's no point if you aren't influencing anyone
-every month use the 3 R's (requirement/return/reward) to determine priorities: what's required of me, am I getting the correct return or am I doing something else someone can do?, what reward will I get from this? So many people get bogged down in doing everything - delegate and get it done people!
-when you're through changing, you're through. growth is change.
-people need to change their perspectives, not their problems. problems give meaning to life (amen to page 78! I am copying and pasting this bad boy)
-people are fired #1 over incompetence and then attitude problems. studies have shown personality goes a long way (page 99)
-develop your people or you are screwed (page 137). people are unhappy because of a long list of reasons that are all not being appreciated, acknowledge, etc.

I have dog eared way too many pages in this book.