A review by unabridgedchick
Queen of Bedlam by Laura Purcell


I can't squee enough about this novel -- it was so fascinating, disturbing, intriguing, and exciting it pulled me out of my reading slump -- and is another fabulous example of great, escapist historical fiction.

Set in the late 18th/early 19th century during George III's reign, the novel follows his wife Charlotte and a handful of their 14 children (primarily their daughters). George -- "mad" King George as well as the hated George of the American Revolution-- is a beloved husband and father, and his wife and daughters flock to his side when his mysterious illness manifests in bouts of mania, violence, and occasional cruelty.  As time goes on, however, the constant threat of his madness provokes everyone to begin to look out for themselves, fracturing the family, and costing his daughters enormously.

Purcell manages to make George's chronic mental illness read compellingly, and I couldn't help but feel sympathetic toward him.  His wife, Charlotte, is harder to like -- she cruelly depends on her children, mostly her daughters, to help her deal with her changing husband -- and her choices really stuck in my craw.  The myriad children were distinctive individuals, but the story focused mostly on the Royal Princess Charlotte and Sophia -- both of whom had tragic dramas I loved/felt awful about.

Despite the heavy tragedy implicit in the plot, the story really races, and didn't feel crushingly dark or depressing.  Purcell offers happiness to her characters when she can, and moments of grace when she can't.  

Originally a self-pubbed bestseller -- as God Save the King -- it's been picked up by Myrmidon. I can't speak to any changes made between editions as I've not read the original release, but I'm delighted that it will find new readers.  This edition has a family tree and a brief historical note about what details she fictionalized.

Purcell has ambitious plans to tackle the Hanoverian/Georgian dynasty in fiction so those who are unfamiliar with this family but enjoy royal drama will have some meaty escapades to dig into.   I'll be eagerly anticipating her next release!