A review by sadiereadsagain
Ghostwritten by David Mitchell


I read [b:Black Swan Green|14316|Black Swan Green|David Mitchell|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1320562118l/14316._SY75_.jpg|2166883] last year and loved it, so was keen to read more of Mitchell’s work. Though with that also comes the fear of disappointment. I didn’t need to worry – this book is great. Like short stories on performance enhancing drugs, I loved seeing the links between each and how they came together at the end. Standouts for me were the old woman on the mountain and her experiences living through turbulent times of China’s recent history, and the physicists’ story of being torn between the top-secret world of her work and her small island family life. Though all the stories were complex and fully fleshed out, in turns endearing, funny and poignant. Mitchell tells a good story, but with both this and Black Swan Green it is his structuring and approach which really grabs me, elevating what are good stories to something that little bit more special.