A review by lynseyisreading
The Becoming by Jeanne C. Stein


This book was just weird from start to finish. I have read approximately a bajillion vamp/werewolf type books and series, and usually each one has a certain element in the mythology that makes them stand out. There is just NOTHING that makes this series stand out. Not the lead character, not the secondary characters, not the plot. Nothing. Nadda. El zippo. Oh actually, there is one thing....the fact that the writing style drives me insane! It's written first person POV, present tense: " I look for my keys", "I get in my car", " I grab my gun", "he reaches for me". It's just a little thing, but it reeeeeally got on my wick. And the sex scenes are neither here nor there. I mean, either do the fade-to-black thing and don't tell us anything- fine by me, or give us the details, but don't do this in-between thing. It gives the impression it was all over in 2 minutes which doesn't look good for your leading males!