A review by cconant265
Dirty Wolf by Aidy Award


This book was so bad that it was kinda good. Obviously Award was aiming for it to be a raunchy adult romance, but she massively missed that mark. The whole book seemed to be put through a filter equivalent to a pre-teen's idea of a romance novel they just caught their mom reading. Even if the writing was much better, the plot is absolutely bonkers and unrealistic (and yes, I'm aware this is a hecking werewolf romance). The protagonists know each other for like two days before basically committing to spend their entire lives together. The plot was just a vessel for the spicy scenes and since neither of which were good, I was left laughing.

I have included a series of my favorite quotes that show the absurdity of the writing. Note that they do not have page numbers as they were transcribed from the unabridged audiobook.

"her ass showed just how much she like tasty beverages and tasty treats"

"the inside of that glass wasn't the only thing that was wet"

"when he flirted with Gal he wanted her to be anything but dry"

"the sound went straight to her girly parts"

"and smiled in a way that melted her panties right out from under her skirt"

(my personal favorite) "max dragged her hand down his six thousand pack abs, past the button of his jeans, twisting their hands so that it was cupping the tree branch he must have been hiding behind his zipper. Branch didn't do it justice. Log? Tree trunk? Sequoia??"

"to stop him from attacking the dick potato"