A review by bookishanjali
Bloodspell by Amalie Howard


3.5 Stars

I had so many mixed feelings while reading Bloodspell. I loved some parts of it ...okay well mostly the entire vampire vs witches part with the blood curse that seemed pretty demonic in nature but every time the relationship aspect was brought with the indecisiveness of the characters and if they want to be together or not was just so annoying. The first half of the book I would probably give it 2 stars but the last half wow it was awesome and that half I would rate it 4.5 stars.

Minus Victoria's I want to be with you but we can't be together thing that she was doing with Christian and vice versa she was frighteningly powerful. The blood that flows in her seems to have a will of it's own that she has to learn to control otherwise all the blood wants is death and destruction. I'm not going to lie I loved it when she let the blood take over in times of danger because she became so bad-ass and a thrill to read about.

As far as Christian is concerned he didn't wow me at all, especially since he too was guilty of the back and forth of lets be together ... lets not be together game. I was actually more interested in the relationship between him and his twin brother Lucian they have a complicated history that is filled with brotherly love, pain, hurt, vengeance and so much more which I wish the author would have delved a little deeper in.

Overall I'm glad I stuck with the book and didn't write it off as a dnf which I was a little tempted to do in the beginning because it picks up and before I knew it I was done and checking to see if there was a second book to the series. I would recommend this book to anyone who thinks they can stick through a book that has the Twilight syndrome of I love you but we can't be together etc etc...if you can get past that you will discover a wonderful read.