A review by cher_n_books
The Lemon Grove by Helen Walsh


1 star - I really hated it.

Based on the synopsis, I was expecting a drama filled summer read about the after effects of a mother betraying her daughter and husband. What I read instead was soft erotica for mature women that harbor cougar fantasies...definitely NOT my cup of tea. The synopsis does a very poor job of accurately representing what the novel actually entails.

The plot was extremely unrealistic and unbelievable. The reader is supposed to accept that a 17 year old "ripe and beautiful man-boy" (CLEARLY not my words), who has several young beautiful girls throwing themselves at him, instead lusts after and seems to fall in insta-love with an average woman old enough to be his mother. Right.

Let's say you can suspend disbelief and you would like to enjoy a nice little bit of cougar fantasy erotica (erotica that isn't even hot on the sizzle index, mind you). There is still the significant problem of the writing being horrible; the book is filled with short choppy sentences. The main character is also very inconsistent in character, doing 180 degree turns as the author saw fit to advance the plot. Excerpts are below, but also please don't forget about the "ripe and beautiful man-boy" description. That explains much in and of itself.

Nothing moves. The darkness deepens. Jenn shivers, intoxicated by the magic of the hour. The road is no longer visible. The first stars stud the sky.

He has his back to her. He smooths his wet hair back. Seawater trickles down his neck and shoulders.
Favorite Quote: N/A

First Sentence: The sun drops low on the horizon and, with it, the distant hum of life starts up again.