A review by very_vero
Kill You Last by Todd Strasser


Rating: 4.5/5

What a wild ride. I need more of these books. Why aren't there more?

Kill You Last is the story of Shelby and how her family, and more specifically her father, ends up the murder suspect of young aspiring models. Pretty young teens are going missing in her town and Shelby's father is their only connection. Now that he is a murder suspect more terrifying secrets are finding their way to the surface about him. Shelby needs to figure out who the true killer is in order to clear her father's name even if it means breaking apart her whole family in the process.

Another insanely good story by Todd Strasser. I really enjoyed how he weaved the web of this one with closely kept family secrets. Shelby was always chasing after a lead (usually a red herring). I loved how even though she learned all those horrible things about her father she never stopped wanted to learn who the true killer was, even if it was someone she loved.

All of Todd Strasser's stories were great so far. They have an Agatha Christie vibe to them that I really appreciate. I am just sad there aren't more books to his Thrillogy.