A review by toseireads
Familiar Men: A Book of Nudes by Debbie Notkin, Laurie Toby Edison


A very interesting photography collection. Definitely worth a read/look. Not only are there photographs, but there are also sections of insightful writing on the societal images of men and the pressures that are put on them to fit into specific boxes.

I may be being very nit-picky here, but I would have been even more impressed had the book opened its doors to transgender men as well as cisgender men. Though transgender men are mentioned briefly in one of the paragraphs in the back of the book, neither the photographs nor the Forward by Michael Kimmel seem to consider them to be a part of the male population.

Anyhow, this is definitely a book I would recommend, especially to those who are not very familiar with the concepts, ideas, and social implications of gender roles.