A review by justmeandmybooks_
Everything Leads to You, by Nina LaCour


***Actual Review, November 4, 2018 (Aka, like a month and a half later oops)***

Wow. This book was SO GOOD. I have to admit, I didn't have much in the way of expectations. I read We Are Okay, and it just really didn't work for me. But I figured I'd give this one a go. I've heard so much about Nina LaCour, and I'm a sucker for theatre books. (Shhh, movie making counts.)

So I picked this up, and WOW am I glad I did. This book blew me away! It was gorgeous. It was sad, and mysterious, and unique. I loved the characters. I loved the writing. I loved everything about it!

I'm not even kidding, I don't think I have a single complaint about this book. Is it perfect? I'm sure it's not. Did it feel just about perfect? IT SURE DID.

SHORT LIST OF THINGS I LOVED (Because as we've already established there was nothing I didn't like.)

- The CHARACTERS! Emi (our MC) has such a fresh voice, and you just can't help but root for her. Yes, she's really flawed, but that just makes her character all the more wonderful. I loved Emi. I loved her voice. I just loved reading about her!

- The love interest, Ava, was also wonderful! She's such a sweet, kind soul, and I just... I love her! She has so so so much depth, and AHHHH I love her so much!!

- (The side characters were great too, I just can't remember names oops)

- Also can we talk about the ROMANCE! It was so sweet and cute and I loved it!!! SO SWEET! I shipped them HARD. And they just FIT so well together. And I just really loved this romance.

- This book was so full of raw emotion. There was heartbreak and love and sadness and joy, and all of it just leapt of the page and affected me to my very core. Such a beautiful book.

- Oh yeah, and did I mention the writing was GORGEOUS?? I knew it would be, as it was basically the only thing I liked about We Are Okay, and I was NOT DISAPPOINTED. Nina LaCour can WRITE. It's just utterly beautiful.

- I LOVED the theatre aspects of it! Even though Emi designs sets for movies, which is... basically the opposite of where my interest lies, it still has that same FEELING to it. And the theatre atmosphere was perfectly done! Loved it.

- Literally everything else about this book.

Overall? This book was amazing and spectacular and I loved it so much!!! So gorgeous! I cannot recommend this book enough! I LOVED IT.

***Initial Reaction, September 20, 2018***

This book was gorgeous and amazing and about twelve million times better than what I expected! I absolutely could NOT put this down, and it kept me up until almost two in the morning, and I don't even regret it. It was so worth it. RTC.