A review by tallblackguy
Homewrecker: An Adultery Anthology, by Kevin Sampsell, Heather Shaw, Christine Elizabeth Hamm, Eli Brown, Jonathan Harper, S. Bear Bergman, Felicia C. Sullivan, Daphne Gottlieb, Barry Graham, Lenelle Moise, Thomas Hopkins, Scott Pomfret, Lori Selke, Stephen Elliott, Michael Hemmingson, David A. Hernandez, Gina Frangello, Merri Lisa Johnson


Some stories in the collection are funny, some sad, some conflicted, and pretty much all center around the theme. Problem is, most of these stories are pretty uneven, not in plot or character, but in how involved you get with said plot and characters. Many did not take the position that women = bad when they strayed and were simply chaste vessels for dudes to get their kicks in, which was refreshing.

A quick read; might inspire you to write, if only to maybe write something risque...