A review by msaari
Aika on lahjoista suurin by Steph Swainston


I read the first part of the series ([b:The Year of Our War|1386012|The Year of Our War|Steph Swainston|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1355151694s/1386012.jpg|1693774]) in English back in 2008, but for some reason never got the second part (probably because I couldn't get it from BookMooch, and wasn't interested enough to buy it, and when the Finnish translation came out, I wasn't really interested anymore). Now, since the third part ([b:Dangerous Offspring|1418506|Dangerous Offspring (Fourlands, #3)|Steph Swainston|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1348072281s/1418506.jpg|1408880]) won the Tähtifantasia award, I decided to read the missing parts.

This was interesting. The world is still curious, and the plot developed nicely. The story whizzes past, and left me somewhat hungry for the next part. I'll read the next one a bit faster, won't take another five years this time...