A review by crystal_reading
How It All Blew Up by Arvin Ahmadi


Review copy: Digital ARC via Netgalley

This was a fun travel based rom-com. One of the things I enjoyed the most was the aspect of the summer in Italy exploration. There is something lovely about getting to see a place through the eyes of a young person stretching their wings. That was one of the things I also liked about Ahmadi's book Down and Across.

The story had multiple perspectives and we were hearing the narration as the family members were being interrogated at the airport so that was unique.

Amir knows that he's gay, but dealing with his family finding pushes him to make some questionable choices. Fortunately, though there are some unhappy coincidences, he also experiences many helpful coincidences too. I thought there was a nice amount of humor, flirting, and romance. It makes for a nice summer read.