A review by snoakes7001
Only Human by Sylvain Neuvel


How do you review the final instalment of a series without giving anything away?

Well, first and foremost, all three books of the Themis Files have been excellent. From the very first moment a girl named Rose fell into a hole in the ground onto a giant metallic hand, this tale of alien robots has been intriguing and thought provoking. This final chapter has a lot to say about how we define and segregate ourselves and others, whether by means of race, religion or nationality and its ultimate message is that there is far more that unites us than divides us.

As the trilogy's name suggests, the story is told as a series of files: personal journal entries, mission logs, interviews and letters. This structure allows different viewpoints to build up into a narrative that is very personal despite the global (or universal) events described.

At the start of the book, Dr Rose Franklin, Vincent Couture and his daughter Eva return to earth after spending nearly nine years on an alien planet. They've been so fixated on their own concerns however, it never occurred to them that our world might have changed drastically while they'd been away. The stakes are high as humanity seems to be gearing up for a third world war, leading to conflict and some difficult choices for the team.

Only Human is a gripping end to a thrilling trilogy.