A review by td3
Bury the Living by Jodi McIsaac


Bury the Living is the first book in Jodi McIsaac’s new revolutionary series that features the history of the Irish Civil War with a touch of fantasy added.

It’s difficult to review this book without giving away any spoilers, so I will just give a brief synopsis and tell you that I enjoyed it and look forward to McIsaac’s next book in the series.

The book centers around Nora O’Reilly, a fifteen year old living in Belfast. Her family is caught up in the politics of the time, and because of this, Nora ends up down a path in life she might not otherwise take.

Through a series of events, Nora finds herself transported back to 1920’s Ireland. From here, the story really picks up and Nora starts an adventure in history that she believes will change the lives of those in present day Ireland and possibly even change the destiny of her family members.

Bury the Living was a fast and entertaining read full of Irish history, adventure, curses, time travel and entertaining characters. Great escape reading!

Thank you to Net-Galley and 47North for allowing me to read an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.