A review by pavi_fictionalworm
Must Love Chainmail: A Time Travel Romance by Angela Quarles


I received an eARC of The Book in exchange for an honest review.

Have you ever wondered what would it be like to live in a world and time different from our own? I for once have loved the Victorian England - only if I got to be one of the Spunky Heroines that I read about in historical romances - and as much as I love Scotland, I never once gave a thought to Wales and how it came to be a part of the Commonwealth!

So when I read the blurb of this book, I was immediately intrigued, especially since it had both time travel and uprisings against the King of England :D

But I hadn't realised that this was the second book in the series - while this book can be read as standalone, there were a few references which I believe were from the first book that had me stumped.

I absolutely love the premise of the book - Katy is a control freak. She requires full control over the world and circumstances around her, believing that it is only her control that is responsible for her not losing anyone she loves.
Sir Robert on the other hand is man who has lost his identity - but believes that he can achieve the respect his father lost by redeeming his family name.

Both never figured each other in their plans - both never wanted to lose control over themselves, but that's exactly what happened to their lives and their plans.

Robert learned that it is more important to be honorable to yourself while Katy learned that it is absolutely fine to lose control, especially if it is with the right person.

The only reason this didn't reach 5 Stars for me was the fact that both Robert and Katy didn't know each other's language - but by the half of the book, they seemed to understand each other perfectly, I dont know how that happened or when that happened - Maybe I wasn't paying attention, so I will definitely be revisiting this book again soon!

Also, I will be checking out the first book [b:Must Love Breeches|22664678|Must Love Breeches (Must Love Time Travel, #1)|Angela Quarles|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1404529476s/22664678.jpg|42016357] because I need to know what and how this time travelling started!