A review by dianagastelum
Crewel by Gennifer Albin


3.5 Rating

Let me be honest, Crewel was a complete cover buy. Do I regret it? No. Honestly, this is a hard review, as I am not good at't them, but also because it was such a complex book with some many things going on I honestly don't know what to write and not put in any spoilers either.

Overall, this book is just phenomenal, with amazing characters, plot, world etc. and I really love the incorporation of dystopian, sci-fi and magic that is all bundled up into this amazing book. My only real problem that I had with this book is it took me a while to fully understand the concept as to what was going on and grasp all of the information needed to understand the story. But as soon as I caught on, it was an amazing read that I highly enjoyed.

One of my doubts, I had while reading this book was I saw that a love triangle was beginning to form. Personally, I am not the biggest fan of love triangles as usually it is obvious for whom the protagonist should be going for, in which the other love interest is usually just around to arise problems and occasionally be a jerk. With Crewel though, that was not the case at all. I honesty, felt that both love interests, Jost and Erik, are great guys and I can see the protagonist, Adelice, going for either of the two guys, even though I do have a preference.

I really enjoyed Adelice's character as she was not someone who gave up easily no matter in what situation she was put in. She is a very determined person who if she wanted answers she was going to try and find answers one way or another. I love that she wasn't someone who was easily blindly by power, money and anything with sparkle, as she saw those things as add-ons that were unnecessary and where to try and blind her from that situation she was put into. Personally, I saw myself in her character here and there which made me like her even more.

All in all, Crewel was a book that I highly enjoy and would very much recommend, and I can not wait to get my hands on sequel; especially with what went down in the end of this book.