A review by cassies_books_reviews
The One That Got Away by Joe Clifford


This book is not not your normal mystery or crime thriller. I really enjoyed this book I finished it one day! The main character Alex was abducted at the age of 17 by a serial killer she was rescued , but the other victims where all brutally murdered. As the one that got away she always wondering if living was really better than suffering death like all the other victims she’s constantly in fear but puts on a front that she’s tough and doesn’t care. When asked back to her hometown Reine 12 years later to be interviewed by a college newspaper she takes it’s a chance for some easy money. Once she’s there she realizes the interview is less about her but more about a beautiful girl Kira who vanished after Alex had been rescued. In an attempt to hunt down the truth and face her own demons, Alex sets out to finally get answers about the other girl Kira’s disappearance. A murderer was arrested even though Kira’s body has never been found. However the more Alex investigates she starts to realize things aren’t what they seem and the suspected killer a mentally challenged man named Benny has been wrongfully accused. The best part of this book for me was the journey you take with Alex as she faces her issues head on and she is far from perfect and that just made me admire her more and relate to her. I found myself rooting for her to get her own life on track but there were also times I seriously just wanted to yell at her and ask her what she was thinking! The ending felt rushed only because I wanted more and didn’t want the book to need! So mark your calendars for December 3rd!!