A review by aboutthatstory
Caught Up in You by Roni Loren


4.5 stars

This was a super hot, sexy, and intriguing read that I couldn't put down! I loved Wyatt and Kelsey coming together and their off the charts chemistry. They had a fantastic push and pull I couldn’t get enough of. Loved it!

I loved learning Wyatt and Kelsey’s history and understanding what they'd gone through in their past. I loved how strong Kelsey was, how she overcame so many things and was working for a better life. Wyatt was so sweet and sexy but he also had this quiet strength happening and I loved watching him let his guard down and open up. Their story is filled with a bit of drama and emotion, just the right amount of playfulness and a whole lot of heat. I really enjoyed the D/s relationship they were having and how that was pushing boundaries for Kelsey. Wyatt was so caring about it all. I liked Kelsey's struggle and the power dynamic and how it all played out.

I liked all the characters, their interactions and tension created with some of them. It really added to the story. I thought the writing was great. Roni Loren has a way of really pulling me in, getting me excited about what I'm reading and making me feel 100% invested in the characters. I was even loving smaller side stories happening. The drama is pretty light, not to taxing. It just gave it that exciting feel that moved things along nicely.

This was just a fantastic read. If you want a solid story filled with a whole lot of sexy, wonderful characters, and just the right mix of emotion, Caught Up in You would be a great choice. I'm loving this series!