A review by perusing_pages
The Best Laid Plans by Karla Sorensen



On paper, this has what usually makes a great read for me, but there was a definite imbalance between the tropes used to build the story and the chemistry of the MCs. Their interactions felt forced, I felt no real connection between them, there wasn't much plot or character development as even by the end of the book I didn't feel like I knew anything real about either Burke or Charlotte, their characters felt like cardboard cutouts of what they were meant to be and the overall theme of grief in the story instead of adding emotional impact just overshadowed every aspect of the book and actually took away the chance for the romance to flourish in my opinion. Burke (yes, really, that's the MMCs name... can you imagine trying to scream that in a passionate moment with a straight face because I can't) needs therapy, and both he & Charlotte need to work on their communication. 

Unfortunately, this is yet another book this month that has fallen flat for me, and even having the talented Vanessa Edwin & Connor Crais narrating couldn't save this for me. Their perfomances were wonderful as always, but the story itself I found lacking. 🌶