A review by lynseyisreading
Late Eclipses by Seanan McGuire


I love the quip in the summary (taken from the author's website) about making Toby wear dresses. It's so true! Toby's getting unwillingly dragged into Royal and Courtly politics. Can you think of anything that is less Toby's cup of tea than pomp and politics? Neh, me either. And why? Why are people trying to get her entangled in that world? What is to be gained from it? Well, if your name is October Daye, nothing good, that's what.

Our Tobes has a hard time in this one. It was suspense-filled, dramatic, romantic, heartbreaking and definitely one of the better books of the series so far. There are great developments for Toby in her personal relationships. At a test, you'll see just who comes through for her, no matter the cost.

As usual there is an ongoing mystery to be solved, which is hard to do when Toby is not feeling herself. There's an overlying theme of treachery and betrayal throughout this novel. And we find out a great deal more info on several character's back-stories as well.

“I wouldn’t take aid from you if you offered it. Never from you, daughter of Amandine, last and latest child of the great betrayal. You’ll see the end of us all, and you won’t be content until you know the gates are locked and sealed; your own death will refuse you. You’ll destroy your beginnings and forsake your heart’s desire, and there will be nothing for you but what’s already been turned aside . . .”

All in all, a thoroughly enjoyable read. I inhaled this book at break-neck speed and I just can't seem to get enough of this wonderful series. Seanan McGuire, I salute you.

And can I just say, I'm very proud of myself for not making this entire review about Tybalt this time. I don't think I get the credit I deserve for my incredible restraint, personally. But I will just say one thing. Do you see that leather jacket on the cover? That's Tybalt's! Squeeeeeee!

Ah, that feels better.