A review by willgalltall
Dark Gods by T.E.D. Klein


I have wanted to read this book for a few years now, and it has not disappointed!

Dark Gods is a collection of 4 stories that could be classed as weird fiction / horror. But they are so much more than that.

The writing in these stories is simply brilliant! Even my least favourite in the collection, Black Man with a Horn, was superbly written. This is nothing less than a 5 star read.

Children of the Kingdom wasn't what I expected going into the collection, but the last 25% of the story was completely different to the rest and was very chilling.

The second story, Petey, was another step up. The story even dabbled into the occult and was very atmospheric. I was totally gripped and had to read more.

The third story, Black Man with a Horn, was my least favourite in this collection. Nothing really happened compared with the rest of the stories, and was very much a tribute to H P Lovecraft. If I knew more about Lovecraft and his life, I may have appreciated the story a lot more. But again, the writing is amazing, so even though it wasn't a great story, it was enjoyable to read.

The final story, Nadelman's God, has to be one of my favourite stories I've read. I was creeped out a few times whilst reading this. Not because it was graphic or gruesome, but because of the tension that Klein builds up throughout the story. This story actually felt real, and I experienced every emotion that Nadelman goes through in the story. Absolutely brilliant!

If you manage to find a copy of this book somewhere, you must pick it up! When I saw a reasonably priced paperback copy online, I had to get it, and I am so glad that o did. If you are a fan of Lovecraft, horror, tales of the occult, weird fiction, then make this a priority. You will not regret it!