A review by readingwithfefe
Discord by Drethi Anis


1st person/dual pov
Spice: 4/5

If you've read Organized Chaos (Book 1) then you already know the content of this book. If you haven't then you need to read it before this one. Again check those TW because some of this content will not be for everyone.

Picking up where Organized Chaos left off - boy did things get really interesting really fast! So many feelings about the situation Mia and Brandon now find themselves in. I completely understand his anger, his hurt, how he feels betrayed. But I can also see where Mia was coming from and how nothing she did was with malicious intent. It may not have been the best choice she could have made but she wanted something for herself. Something she had control over and no one else so when she saw that opportunity, and with the man she had secretly loved for years, she took it. The way Brandon becomes completely obsessed with her - yea I ate it up! Even though he knew the truth and hated himself at times for the feelings he had he couldn't make them go away. And even though it became so physical between them (and boy did the spice jump up a notch in this one!!) it started out about so much more than that. You could see that it was still about so much more than that any time he wasn't with her. She was the only person who made him not want to be alone, who made him want more from life.
For her he was the one person who listened to what she had to say. He wasn't embarrassed by her quirkiness or her social awkwardness, he adored it and was in awe of her intelligence. She was being smothered by her family and then there was Brandon trying to show her that she deserved to stand on her own, that her quirks didn't hold her back but made her stronger. Over the course of the part of this book I will be honest, Brandon was not getting the kindest words and thoughts from me. His obsession with Mia went from desirable to cringe as he made some awful choices when it came to her and their future. There was some manipulation there that I honestly wasn't sure I could get past even though it was done out of fear of losing her. But seeing him prove his love for her in ways I wasn't expecting made it possible for me to begin forgiving the temporary insanity he was clearly going through when he made those decisions.
While their relationship may have started under not so great circumstances and was seen as inappropriate by most people I truly feel like they were good for each other and had they not been in the situation they were in and their circumstances a tad not so forbidden, the scheming and manipulation would have potentially never happened. Love makes us all capable of doing some crazy things when it consumes every part of us. In the end things were made right as best as they could be and the epilogue was freaking awesome! I totally think Brandon was behind a certain mishap for Mia's benefit because he knows her as much as she knows herself. And her nephew.. that kid stole the show with one line lol! Wonderful ending to this duet!