A review by dumbravioli
House of Ashes by Loretta Marion


Title: House of Ashes

Author: Loretta Marion

Publisher: Crooked Lane Books

Genre: Mystery & Thriller

Note: I received an ARC of this title from NetGalley.com in exchange for a fair review.


I don’t normally pick up books like House of Ashes. I love mysteries and thrillers, but usually only of the young adult variety, so I did push my comfort zones when requesting this ARC. I don’t regret it.

House of Ashes follows 37 year old Cassandra Mitchell as she tries to piece together the mystery of her missing friends, while also delving into the potentially paranormal past of her home, as well as drama with her sister and with a previous hookup.

I enjoyed the plot of this story, and was rooting for Cassie to pull through and find the answers to this frustrating mystery. This was a long novel that I took my time reading, for fear of missing any details.

The story is told in two perspectives; Cassie’s, and in the distant past where the story of her great grandparents who were cursed by an angry man. Typically the perspective switch like that really confuses me, but I followed this easily and stayed very much immersed in the story.

The mystery is so frustrating, and as Cassie searches for answers, you want her to come out on top so desperately.

I give this book a 4 out of 5 stars, and highly recommend it to anyone who likes the paranormal, mysteries, and suspense.