A review by kaytee_murphy
Matt Archer: Bloodlines by Kendra C. Highley


Another 5-star read, I seriously CANNOT get enough of these books! Can I have some more please??

Full review to come soon.


Let me start off by saying that there is a world beyond mainstream books and authors guys. I was never exposed to indie and self-published authors until I started my blog. A few years ago, I received an invite to participate in a blog tour for [b:Matt Archer Monster Hunter|15773126|Matt Archer Monster Hunter (Matt Archer #1)|Kendra C. Highley|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1344191086s/15773126.jpg|21482682], Ms. Highley's debut YA novel about a 15-year-old boy who hunts monsters. To say the least, I was skeptical but I decided to give it a try. Now we're up to Matt Archer: Bloodlines and participating in that tour was one of the best decisions I've made.

It's not often you find a YA book written in the perspectie of a teenage guy. And when you do, if you're female at least, it's not always easy to relate to the voice. But I never had a single problem in this books. Ms. Highley captured the teenage boy persona PERFECTLY@ Matt acts and things exactly how you would expect a teenage boy to act and think! What I love so much about this book and [b:Matt Archer Legends] (MA3) is that he has grown up so much since joining the army, yet he is still a kind about things, like having sex with this girlfriend or dealing with the return of his
Spoiler father

I also like that there is no love triangle, and that the entire book doe3s not revolve around romance! That is rare in the YA universe and extremely refreshing. There were times when I actually forgot Ella existed!

I also love that Ms. Highley really seems to know what she's talking about as far as the military stuff goes. This reads as someone who knows their stuff, now someone who just did some shoddy research. The mix of science and magic is also a good aspect of this story!

All of the characters in this story are amazing! TINK! She reminds me of Siri with her snark! Will is fantastic. Mamie is...well she is freaking awesome! I love Johnson..and maybe it's just me but Johnson seems a little attached to Mamie! I don't remember if he's married, but if not...hmmm? Even Davis has grown on me! :)

As you can tell, I love these books! They are more well written and have a better story line that most big name books! These books should be movies. Without a doubt! I will come up with my preferred case once I figure them out! But seriously, Paramount, Dreamworks, someone PLEASE get on this! Thanks!!

Ms. Highley, you have an amazing talent! Can't wait for MA5!!!!