A review by alstrath
The Sugar Queen by Tess Thompson


It's back to Emerson Pass in Book 2, but to the modern-day Emerson Pass where the descendants of Alexander and Quinn Barnes and friends from Book 1 now reside.

Chapter 1 begins with a bang - no slow easing in, scenery descriptions etc - just a plain, honest confrontations of two high-school ex-sweethearts ten years after a messy break-up.

After the confrontation we learn more about Brandi and Trapper - their pasts; their families and the modern day Emerson Pass.

The story moves fast and touches on sensitive topics which are central to the development of the story.

I enjoyed the 'flashbacks' to the first book that link with this book. The references to well-loved characters from "Cliffside Bay" are also fun.

Although this is a second book in a series, it can be read on its own as book 1 is not essential to the story, but I would recommend having read book 1 (& the "Cliffside Bay" series) in order that some things make a bit more sense and of course to experience the magic that they portray.