A review by bre_renea
If You Break by Jessalyn Thorn


I loved this book so much! I read the original book in 2021 when it was still under J Rose. I don’t know if anything was changed in this since it’s been so long since I originally read it, but it was even better this time! If it was changed at all then it wasn’t by much or I feel like I would haven’t noticed lol. It just seemed so much better the second time (and I loved it the first time). This was still very unique. I mentioned that in my original review. I still haven’t yet to read anything like this, even three years later! Lexi is amazing and I absolutely adore both Daniel and Valentine. I can’t wait for the rest of this series! I’m especially looking forward to book three since I’ve technically read book 2 already lol. I am going to refrain from rereading When You Fall (I have the original paperbacks) since I don’t know if anything will be changed. I’m so glad that J is back to writing this series! It’s one of my favorites of hers. This rewrite definitely did not disappoint. I LOVE this cover! It’s so different from the original but it’s so cool and I love all of the details!